On Saturday, members mainly devoted themselves to drafting pieces for the 2011 calendar which we intend should be published and made available at our May meeting. It was very useful to share ideas not only about our theme, Northumbrian Song, but also about aspects of the calendars so that they were more convenient for users. Dominic brought words for many traditional songs to ensure that everyone had words to write. Thus we all had a starting point for creating a calendar or an exhibition piece. Mike Mavromichaelis co-ordinated our ideas for the 2011 calendar ensuring that we were all using different songs. We agreed that drafts of the calendar entries would be brought to our February meeting and that finished artwork would be ready to hand in at our March meeting. The co-operative nature of the day was encapsulated by agreement that both drafts and finished pieces should be proof read by at least one other scribe before these were collected for publication. It was good to welcome two newcomers Susan and Alan.
(Mike Mavromichaelis)Our January meeting was dedicated to designs for the calendar for 2011 on the theme of traditional Northumbrian songs. Well, not all
that traditional because ‘Tunnel of Love’ by Dire Straits and Lindisfarne’s ‘Fog on the Tyne’ may well feature too. Judi Postle’s draft of ‘Tunnel of Love’ with its description of the now gone and much lamented funfair at the Spanish City in Whitley Bay is below. Some folks were able to think up layouts there and then at the meeting, others prefer to work up their ideas at home. Roughs and layouts will be brought in to the February meeting and finished pieces to the March meeting. The production timetable is tight to get the calendar ready for sale earlier this year. All work to be in black and white ready for reproduction. Anyone who missed the meeting and wants to do a layout is welcome to bring in ideas. Please contact Mike Mavromichaelis.
(Hazel Abbott)